Replacing Bars with Cafés

Gay bars and clubs are always great places to let loose and blow off some steam. But where do you go if you want to sit quietly with a group of friends or meet people you have a chance of remembering? Where are all of the LGBTQ+ coffee shops? Credits to my cat Montana Cheesepuff. …

Why are Churches Against the LGBTQ+ Community?

The Struggle of Being LGBTQ+ and Finding a Church I would like to start off by mentioning how churches have become more open and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. Some church sectors support the LGBTQ+ community but due to their leader’s church ruling, they are not allowed to act upon their support. An example of …

Debunking Clobber Verses: Part 2

With the “clobber verses” being taken care of in Debunking Clobber Verses: Part 1, we can now take a look into the New Testament. But first, let’s get a basic understanding of the word “homosexual” as it relates to the Bible. There is no word in ancient Biblical writing that can be interpreted into what …

Debunking Clobber Verses: Part 1

Sodom and Gomorrah, abomination, unnatural, shameful and lustful acts. Those are just a few of the many things members of the LGBTQ+ community are told. Hearing this constantly can lead one to believe that there is no room for homosexuals or any sexual perversions in Christianity. You begin to believe that you have to choose …

To Come Out or Not to Come Out?

That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous homophobia. (couldn't resist!) The phrase “coming out” is widely associated with gays and lesbians (or anyone in the LGBTQ+ community) coming out about their sexuality. However, the history of this phrase has a different meaning. “Coming out” …

Cracked! Five claims against same-sex marriage that are actually wrong!

Love is love. Retrieved from Wisconsin Family Law Info 5 Claims Against Same-Sex Marriage and Why They are Wrong By: Kayla Harris June 30th, 2019 The desire for same-sex marriage has been around for decades but only recently has this desire become a reality. Many people were ecstatic to hear the news on same-sex marriage …

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